
How To Sign Up For a Trip

Sign-up is open from 07:30 to 08:30 on the Tuesday before two-day trips and typically two weeks in advance before three-day trips at the information desk, which is just inside the entrance to the M Building on the left-hand side. Please check out the Season schedule for exact dates.

Sign-up for the weeklong trip to St Anton is usually held four weeks in advance.

See the trip schedule for details and specific sign-up dates.

Only members who have joined the club at least one day in advance of the sign-up may sign up for trips. If approved in advance by the Club’s Executive Committee, members may sign up other members who are away on duty travel.

Most trips still have spaces at 08:00 but occasionally there is a long queue well in advance of 07:30 for a given trip that will then sell out shortly after sign-up opens.

Sign-up is also possible by telephone, but this is only available from 07:45 on sign-up day. Please call: +43 1 2600 27999. Please note that priority is given to members who are present at sign-up.

Check out FAQ for more information.


Full payment for the trip is collected in cash at sign-up, except for the weeklong trip when only a deposit is taken.

Those signing up by phone are required to transfer the sum to the account below by the end of sign-up day and bring a copy of the transfer confirmation to the bus.

Club bank details:

Account holder: IAEA Ski Club
Bank Austria
IBAN: AT481200010040515966

Cancellations and Refunds

Cancellations will be honored and refunds given until 17:00 on sign-up day. If a member cancels after that time, he or she must find a substitute, preferably of the same sex due to room assignment considerations, or forfeit payment. No refunds will otherwise be given.

Club Finances

The IAEA Ski Club tries to offer the best value and lowest price it can on its ski trips. When prices are set, however, it is difficult to account for member interest due to many factors beyond the Club's control, such as snow conditions. Consequently, expenses exceed costs for some trips and not for others. Good skiing conditions in recent years have resulted in surplus revenue. Because of the unpredictable nature of trip attendance, we maintain an account balance to insure against potential losses in lean years.

As a non-profit organization, the Club does not keep funds beyond this purpose. Funds accrued beyond that level are returned to members through extra instructors on trips or social events, or are donated to charities selected by the Club's Executive Committee.